• Editor Guides/DIY

      Full Guide on How To Create Tokopedia Account And Online Shop There


      Tokopedia is a marketplace that operates in Indonesia, and the founder is William Tanuwijaya. The current leader of the company is Melissa Siska Juminto. The global rank of Tokopedia is 359, with total visitors of 95.5 million. The largest age distribution of people using the apps is 25 to 34 years old (36.4%). If you are a seller, you can reach more consumers by using this marketplace. There are more than 14 million sellers who will join Tokopedia in 2023. If you are curious about how to join, you should know how to create a Tokopedia account. Next, you can learn about the mechanism of the marketplace.

      Tokopedia account

      Why You Should Start Selling on Tokopedia Platform

      The competition among sellers in this era is not easy, so you should not only offer your product offline. You can reach more consumers by using the appropriate e-commerce sites, such as Tokopedia. This e-commerce site ranks second in Indonesia and has more than 1.8 products sold there. The second reason for using the apps is that you only need to open the store by using your smartphone and the internet. You don’t need to open a store, which is correlated with high capital. You can focus your budget on advertising and maintaining product quality. Anyway, you can open your store from home.

      The next reason is that Tokopedia offers many programs of promotion. You can attract more consumers by using discounts. You can join the Discount War program so that your product will appear on the first page of Tokopedia Apps. There is a limitation period for each discount program. It will be better to stay tuned to the marketplace web or apps. The seller has the opportunity to make more profit by selling the product through the flash sale program.

      How to Create a Tokopedia Account

      You have never joined Tokopedia before, but you are interested in creating an account now. The process of creating the account is really easy and fast, even for beginners. The marketplace offers a friendly user interface so that sellers can operate it easily. You only have to spend 5 to 10 minutes to create the account. You should follow the steps to become a seller member on the apps:

      1. Create an account on the website

      If you prefer to use a laptop to sell products online, you can create an account on the website. Just open your browser and follow the steps below.

      tokopedia dashboard

      Access the Tokopedia website at https://www.tokopedia.com/help/article/cara-register-akun-tokopedia by using a browser from your cellphone or laptop. Then you can try to tap the Register with Google button.

      Wait a while, and there will appear “Choose your Google Account”. You can choose a specific account for selling products. We recommend you use a different professional Gmail than a personal Gmail.
      After choosing Gmail, you can log in directly to Tokopedia.

      2. Create an account from Apps

      If the first method is not successful, you can try to create a Tokopedia account by using the apps. Please follow the steps carefully so that you can open the online store at Tokopedia:

      open tokopedia account

      1. Download the Tokopedia apps first on the Google Play Store or App Store.
      2. Fill in the cellphone number or email and tap the Register button.
      3. You can choose the verification method, such as sending a message to your cellphone.
      4. Fill in the OTP code on the bar available. If the OTP doesn’t appear yet, you can check your internet or try tapping Send again for the OTP code. Please don’t tell anyone about the OTP code.
      5. Fill in the identity card so that you can get the sales balance more easily in the future.
      6. Just tap the Next button.
      7. Wait a while, and you can use the seller account soon.

      Several Important Features in Tokopedia

      To support your business, it is important to fully understand about the e-commerce features. Tokopedia offers various features to support sellers on its platform:

      1. Easy Product Listing

      A user-friendly interface allows sellers to list products swiftly, adding detailed descriptions, images, and pricing information.

      2. Promotional Tools

      Sellers can utilize promotional features like flash sales, vouchers, and discounts to attract buyers and increase sales. This includes joining Power Merchant program that allows customer to get free shipping.

      seller power merchant

      3. Order Management

      Efficient tools for managing orders, including order tracking, status updates, and streamlined processing.

      4. Customer Communication

      In-app messaging allows direct communication with buyers, addressing queries and providing support.

      5. Payment Options

      Multiple payment gateways, enabling secure transactions and offering various payment methods for customer convenience.

      6. Seller Dashboard

      Comprehensive analytics and performance metrics provide insights into sales data, customer behavior, and trends.

      Tips on Selling on Tokopedia Platform

      Selling on Tokopedia comes with a multitude of perks for merchants looking to thrive in the e-commerce landscape. The platform boasts a vast and diverse user base, providing sellers access to a large pool of potential customers across Indonesia.  To boost up your sales, here are some tips for selling effectively on Tokopedia:

      1. Optimize Product Presentation

      Ensure your product images are high-quality and diverse, showcasing items comprehensively to attract buyers’ attention.

      2. Competitive Pricing Strategy

      Research similar products on Tokopedia and set competitive prices. You can offer deals or discounts can entice buyers.

      3. Detailed Product Descriptions

      Craft detailed and accurate descriptions, highlighting key features and benefits to help buyers make informed decisions.

      4. Strategic Use of Keywords

      Incorporate relevant keywords in your product titles and descriptions for better visibility within Tokopedia’s search results.

      5. Utilize Tokopedia Promotions

      Take advantage of Tokopedia’s promotional features like flash sales, vouchers, and discounts to attract more buyers.

      6. Responsive Customer Service

      Prioritize prompt responses to customer inquiries. Excellent customer service builds trust and enhances sales.

      7. Keep Inventory Updated

      Ensure your inventory reflects accurate stock availability to prevent any inconvenience due to out-of-stock items.

      8. Consider Tokopedia Ads

      Explore Tokopedia’s advertising options to increase product visibility. Sponsored listings can reach a broader audience.

      9. Encourage Reviews and Feedback

      Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews. Positive feedback helps build credibility and attract new buyers.

      The Mechanism of the Marketplace and Selling the Product

      You should understand the mechanism of the marketplace as a seller. Understanding the Tokopedia mechanism will make it easier for you to sell the product too. The first thing to remember is to use the proper name of the store on Tokopedia. Please choose the store name carefully, as the seller cannot change the name in the future. Then you should fill in the store domain and the address in detail and correct them. If you finish filling in the information, you can tap the Save button. Give the product information immediately so that your store will not be permanently deleted.

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