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Human Resource: What’s Its Role and Career Field of It

Human Resource : What's Its Role And Career Field Of It

Human Resource is an integral part of a company. It has important functions and duties within the company, one of which is human resource management.

Its role will always be related to the welfare of employees. Short examples include conducting employee job training, carrying out the recruitment process, employee onboarding, and managing various policies in the company. Such as health benefits, employee benefits, salaries, and so forth.

What is Human Resource?

Human Resource is a division in a company whose job is to find, recruit, provide training to employees, payroll, and take care of all administrative needs related to employees.

All kinds of efforts made by HR to improve the quality of employees will ultimately make them improve their skills and develop their careers while increasing employee performance for the company.

Role of Human Resources

To find out more about its role, here are some of them.

1. Recruiting Employee Candidates

HR must recruit employees for the company. However, in the process, they must understand the needs of the company and the criteria for good employees. If you recruit good employees, of course, it will have a good impact on the company.

2. Running Payroll

Payroll matters can also be managed by this division. However, this task is quite crucial because it involves company finances and must be precise when calculating payroll for all employees in the company.

3. Disciplining Employees

Because previously it was in charge of recruiting, so if something happened to an employee’s behavior in the form of bad behavior, this division had to discipline them. The goal is to restore the level of employee productivity so the company can run well again.

4. Monitoring Employee Performance

HR needs to ensure that the employees they recruit work according to the SOP that apply in the company. So, employees can work productively and feel comfortable.

Several ways can be done to improve employee performance, for example by holding informal training through managers, more senior employees, or colleagues who are more trained.

If necessary, you can also organize formal training, such as holding seminars, inviting outside experts, or holding online classes.

5. Provision of Compensation and Benefits for Employees

When you talk about compensation and benefits, you also talk about what employees will receive at the company.

6. Employee Career Planning

The HR Division also must plan for the future careers of the company’s employees. For example, such as planning a vertical increase in the employee’s career ladder following the needs of the company.

7. Managing Employee Database

HR must be able to manage the employee database properly. This is useful, one of which is to analyze the distribution of demographics in the company.

In addition, an updated employee database is also important for reporting needs which can be used as a reference for company decisions in the future.

8. Updating Company Policy

The company should review the policies implemented at least once a year. And it is HR’s job to suggest changes to the policy whether it should be continued or replaced.

Interested To Be Human Resources?

So, those are some of the roles of Human Resources which have a very important role in determining the company will go. It is important for your company to have human resources so your company can run properly.

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