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What Is Microfinance and Why you Should Know About It

What Is Microfinance and Why you Should Know About It

What is microfinance? Well, Microfinance is a combination of the words “micro” which means small, and “finance” which also means finance. So, microfinance is the kind of financing to help a small business scale through loans. A Microfinance loan is usually sufficient to meet the needs of the borrower.


A Brief History of Microfinance

What is microfinance? Before we talk deeper about microfinance, you should learn about a brief history of microfinance itself. According to the information that we have, microfinance itself has already been around for ages and it’s even longer in the continent of Asia.

This microfinance started in the 1970s in Bangladesh. This is a fact that you must know, this could give you a piece of new information about what microfinance is.

How to Get a Microfinance Loan?

Well, many of you might still not know how you can get a microfinance loan. That’s why we will help you to understand how you can get the loan and it will be really helpful for you who maybe by any chance is a person who wants to start a small business.

1. Business Plan

To get the loan, you must first have a business plan. You must think very carefully about what kind of business you want to start. Having a detailed plan will help you easier in getting the loan that you need and of course planning things before you start a war is the only way to win.

2. Adequate Credit

One of the things that are very important for you if you want to get your loan is by having adequate credit. So, it’s better before asking for a loan, you must make sure that you already have adequate credit first.

3. Personal Guarantee or Collateral

One of the most important things but most people forget about it is having a personal guarantee or collateral. It will be great for you if you want to propose a loan.

Those are all the three things that you must know to get a microfinance loan. But, how does microfinance work? That’s why we will try to explain it in the next explanation.

How Does It Work?

How microfinance works by providing capital assistance through credit without any collateral to the community. Thus, the presence of microfinancing itself is to make it way easier for people to get loans if it’s compared to making loans through a conventional bank.

So if you have a business that you want to start immediately, you might like to consider microfinance to help you acquire some money that you can use to start your business.

Understand About Microfinance?

That’s all the things that we know about microfinance. Hopefully, this could be a piece of great information that will help you learn what is microfinance. If you are interested to open an online business, make sure to check online business ideas for better profits.

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