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Budgeting: What Is It And Why You Should Do It

Budgeting What Is It And Why You Should Do It

One of financial advice you often heard is by doing budgeting. If you are new in this field and want to be better in managing money, you need to know what is budgeting. It is also applicable for any business owners, since this method is useful either for personal use or commercial.


What Is Budgeting

Budgeting is a term for an estimation of income and expenses for a given future period of time that is often developed and reviewed on a regular basis.

Budgeting is essential if you want to control your monthly spending, preparing for life’s unpredictable events, and be able to buy expensive products without falling into debt. Keeping track of how much you earn and spend doesn’t have to be so complicated, doesn’t require you to be good at math, and doesn’t mean you are not allowed to buy the things you want. It just means that you’ll know where do you spend your money. Plus, you’ll have greater control over your finances.

Types of Budgeting

There are several types of budgeting you need to know before really doing one. Its purpose is to know which one and method you could use depends on the type. Check it out here:

1. Personal Budget

It means a personal estimation for monthly earnings and expenses to ensure they have enough money before the next paycheck. This could be done individually or even family-based type of calculation.

2. Corporate Budget

It is a plan to manage and maintain cash flow, operating cash and emergency funds for a corporation. It usually handles all the production, sales, material and any necessary funds to operate a corporate.

3. Government Budget

Government budget is a financial plan to estimate the national revenue for particular financial government accounts. They usually do calculations of taxes, fees and grants for expenditure over public services and facilities.

4. Operating Budget

It reflects the profit and loss for capital expenditures. People usually create this in the beginning of period for operating an organization or even a business.

5. Financial Budget

This is more common for personal budgeting, where you calculate the assets or liabilities. But it could also applies on business where there are shareholders for achieving a company’s short or long term financial goals.

6. Master Budget

It is an accumulation of lower-level budgets for business operations. This is usually included in business plan.

7. Labor Budget

As what its name, it is an accumulation to set up any budget that related to labor. Usually being used by labor-intensive firms, where it really depends on employees. This type needs a systematic plan to balance the revenue and wages.

Reasons Why Budgeting Is Important

Budgeting ensures that you will always have enough money for the things you need and the things that are important to you by allowing you to plan out how you will spend your money. Maintaining a budget or spending plan will also help you avoid debt or, if you own any debt, it could help you to deal with it.

Having a budget promotes financial stability. A budget makes it simpler to pay bills on time, accumulate an emergency fund, and save for significant costs like a car or home by keeping track of spending and sticking to a plan. Anyways, whether it is personal, corporate, or government finance, it requires budgeting to achieve short-term or long-term goals. Anticipating revenue and expenditure helps track finances. It also prevents overspending and depleted emergency funds.

Have You Tried Budgeting?

From the explanation above, we know that budgeting is important and beneficial. It is important to budget your expenses and keeping track of it. Have you done any budgeting methods? If you are still in doubt on how to do budgeting, you could check budgeting tips for beginner. Aside of budgeting, it is also good to do investment as early as you can for achieving financial freedom.

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