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Why are North Korea Launching Missiles?

Why are North Korea Launching Missiles?

Who doesn’t know North Korea? Maybe most of us already know it. This country with unique rules often shocks the world. One of them is regarding the launch of missiles carried out by this country. Why Are North Korea Launching Missiles?

Many have asked about this. In addition, many countries have responded to this by launching missiles together, such as the United States, South Korea, and Japan. Here we will discuss some of the reasons why North Korea often launches missiles. Check the following article to know about it!

Several Reasons Why are North Korea Launching Missiles

North Korea in the last 2 weeks has fired 6 missiles, it is stated that this missile firing is a weapons test that can trigger the alarm in the region. As for the other purpose of Why Are North Korea Launching Missiles? Among them are:

1. Context

Missile testing is nothing new in North Korea, this is one of the weapons development programs that have been going on for years. This kind of tension also occurred in 2017 when North Korea launched 23 missiles throughout the year intending to carry out nuclear tests.

North Korea also conducted the test to show off weapons that can reach most of the world, one of which is an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea has also promised to stop launching missiles but ultimately failed which resulted in a decision to reduce its trials, as evidenced by the number of missile launches that are fewer than before, namely as many as 4 times a year.

2. Why are There More and More Now?

The research experts concluded that there are several reasons why North Korea is eager to speed up its current missile testing. Some of the reasons are:

  • It was a perfect time for north Korea to show off its victory against covid in August
  • North Korea hasn’t tested a missile in several years due to political considerations, so North Korean experts want to test it and make sure their nuclear toys and weapons are still working properly.
  • North Korea has stopped launching its missiles during stormy summer, so missile launches will return in the good season, namely in autumn.
  • Another reason also says that the launch of the missile was caused to send a message using weapons to show North Korea’s arsenal which has now increased.
  • To remind the world that North Korea is a country that cannot be neglected, countries in the world must know that engineers in North Korea are always working around the clock to be able to develop nuclear weapons.

Many other allegations resulted in North Korea always launching homemade missiles. It’s just that most of the allegations direct that North Korea wants to show that its country has powerful nuclear weapons, so countries in the world must not ignore it.

Those are some reasons why North Korea is Launching Missiles? Hopefully, this article can provide useful information and increase knowledge. Apart from that, we as readers also need to know the traditions of North Korea which are quite troubling to the world due to the frequent testing of its nuclear weapons.

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