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Top 5 Must-Read Entrepreneur Books You Should Read At Least Once

The young generation realizes that they can obtain more income from building businesses. You can do business through your passion, too. Then, you can save the profit to develop your business. However, entrepreneurs are not as easy as you think. You have to learn about it. There are books that you can read to learn about entrepreneurship. Here is the list of entrepreneur books.

1. The Lean Startup

This book is written by Eric Ries. Readers can understand how to win by studying faster than anybody else. The contents of the book are explained using examples that occur in the real world. There is validation for the business model. What’s more, you can take advantage of today’s technological developments. Eric also explained that start-ups face uncertainty and reality. Start-ups have to overcome business risks. Innovation is important for start-ups.

2. The Hard Thing About Hard Things

The author of this book, namely Ben Horowitz, A CEO overcomes lonely times and makes complicated decisions. She or he has to consider many things. Every decision will have a risk. The risk in question can be a loss that will be borne by the company. The CEO chooses the lower risk so that there are still profits for the company or to minimize losses. This position overcomes the discomfort and changes it to become comfortable.

3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

This entrepreneur’s book is very famous. Written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. The young generation needs to learn finance. The financial lessons in question are not as complicated for adults. You can understand financial education without headaches. Kiyosaki tells you about it in an easy way. This education is not taught in school. You can learn how to become wealthy at a young age. This knowledge cannot be obtained by working at a well-known company.

4. Crush It

One of the best entrepreneur books that is recommended to read is called Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk. You can turn your passion into a business. Anyway, you will need the right tools to make it true. The tools can be social media, a website, and so on. You should learn about development technology too. The book helps you find the proper insight. It can help the business become successful. It gives you a point of reference to understand the trend, such as content that attracts people’s attention. There is a point that you should tell authentic stories too. Another content creator can use your content as a reference. This kind of reference is needed so that you can develop your subscribers and followers.

5. Rich Woman

The modern era allows many women to be more financially independent. This book tells you what a woman should do to get better finances in the future. They don’t need to depend on men. They can totally be independent until they are old. The books are written by Robert Kiyosaki. Kiyosaki tells the woman to invest in stocks, real estate, businesses, and so on. The knowledge is not gained from school. However, investment is the key to becoming rich for women around the world.

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