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Tips For Startup Pitch Deck And 4 Templates Of It

pitch deck

A pitch deck is a short presentation with about 10-20 slides. Pitch decks are created with the aim of presenting a brief overview of the business plan. The presentation is intended to attract the attention of investors to help fund the business.

How to Make A Pitch Deck for Start-ups

The main purpose of making a pitch deck is to attract the attention of investors, therefore you must make a good presentation and be able to convince investors to provide funding for the business you want to run. There are three main keys to the success of a pitch deck for Startups, they are: what problem you solve, how to solve the problem, and why someone should invest in you.

Make sure the three important points are included in your pitch deck to convince the investor to provide funds, because the funds spent will be quite large so it needs a convincing explanation.

The way to create pitch decks for startups that can attract the attention of investors is as follows:

  1. Cover
  2. Summary
  3. Problem
  4. Solution
  5. Products
  6. Business models
  7. Market opportunity
  8. Competition
  9. Growth
  10. Traction
  11. Financial
  12. Team
  13. Funding
  14. Summary final

Here is an order in making a pitch deck correctly that you can make a reference. The last tip, use language that is easy to understand and just focus on important points that have the potential to attract the investor’s attention.

4 Templates Of Pitch Deck

This pitch deck example will provide an overview and explanation that you can use as a reference for your business development. Try these Templates to successfully attract the attention of investors. The following pitch deck templates are examples of presentations from large and well-known companies today, you can use them as examples and motivation.

1. LinkedIn

The founder of LinkedIn observed 2 things when creating a pitch deck, the first being to understand the audience and conduct comprehensive research on prospective investors. The second is to understand the financial climate at large. In his presentation, he also pointed out the risks that might arise while providing mitigation measures that would be taken. The main point is to create a business model that can control the direction of the company and find the right investors.

2. Facebook

Facebook’s pitch deck is a kind of media kit that contains the value of the company, key metrics, and marketing services to sell advertising to clients. The main points shown are user engagement and growth figures.

3. Airbnb

This pitch deck is one of the most inspiring in the world. Airbnb created a pitch deck that describes its business in the fewest possible words, yet concisely and clearly. He thinks of explaining his business to a 5-year-old. If they get it, it means you’re using easy-to-understand sentences.

4. Mint

The company that provides services to manage your finances also has an exemplary pitch deck, which provides a clear value proposition to users and investors. It understands that the investor’s primary focus is the return mechanism on their investment, so it should highlight a number of options related to the outcome strategy.

Through the four examples of pitch decks used by well-known companies above, you can choose one of them or combine important points to create your pitch deck. Also, use other useful tips to support your success in attracting the attention of the funder.

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