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How to Start Freelance Marketing in Nigeria?

How to Start Freelance Marketing in Nigeria

In freelance marketing, there are several duties you can try. From content marketing to managing social media. Of course before starting to work as freelance marketer, you have to know what is freelance marketing first. Understanding the general knowledge of freelance marketing will help you in accepting marketing projects.

Many of you have known what freelance marketer do. But as a beginner, you often doubt yourself since you do not know how to start freelance marketing. So if you are interested to be a freelance marketer but do not know how, go read the article below!

How to Start Freelance Marketing in Nigeria?

Starting something is not easy. We often get lost since there is no step-by-step guideline in our life. But do not worry since we can always learn.

After understanding basic knowledge of freelance marketing, you will know several type of freelance marketing you can do. But you might wonder what to start first to be freelance marketer. So,  check the content below to start your first step in freelance marketing.

1. Find Your Niche

As you know there is several type freelance marketing you can do. Choose which one that suits you the most. To find your niche, choose field that you’re great at doing depends on skills you have. You also have to choose the one you passionate about. If you’re building your career around this industry, you need to be really passionate about it. Otherwise, you’re just doing a career you won’t enjoy.

2. Build Your Portfolio

Becoming a freelancer in Nigeria is way easier and possible when you can convince the clients for your credible skills. In order to convince the clients, you need a good portfolio.

For you who just heard about portfolio, it is a compilation of your skills, qualifications or even samples of your jobs experience. Building a portfolio might be a bit confusing. It might be a bit difficult as a new freelancer with no job experience. If you do not have job samples, you can create it on your own. Build a proper and credible portfolio so clients will interest to hire you as their freelance marketer.

3. Set Your Rates

Next, you have to set your own rates as a freelance marketer. Before finally come up with your pricing, you have to analyze the freelance market and set it depends on the underlying competitor. Even though we want to make money as much as we want, but you should be patient with it.

Do not set too high if you are beginner and have not much experience in this field. Try to read some guidelines online for your reference depends on the skills you have.

4. Develop Knowledges and Skills

Freelance marketer are not required to have any special training or degree. However, it is important to have base knowledge in the sector. This means you have to know how does it work and what is the best strategy for each brand’s marketing.

It will be good if you learn and maybe take courses in this field to add on your credential in this industry. The better credential you have, the more clients you can attract.

5. Find Job Opportunity

There are several freelance websites that offer job opportunities that might help you. You can try to search job or projects for marketing there. Remember to reach out and find the projects as a start of your path in freelance marketing.

6. Promote Your Services

Do not only hope from the freelance websites, but try to promote your freelance marketing by networking. It is also great idea to offer your skills with your family and friends. Networking is crucial in freelance. If you have gained your reputation and be known for your skills, clients will automatically reach you to offer some projects.

Ready to Be Freelance Marketer?

Now after knowing what it takes to start to work in freelance marketing, what are you waiting for? Even though starting freelance marketing is not easy, but if you love to make money online and your passion is in marketing, you should try it. We hope this guideline of starting freelance marketing in Nigeria helps you in making your decision. Best luck for you in freelance marketing!

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