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How To Sign Up And Log In To Freelancer.Com

How To Sign Up And Log In To Freelancer.Com

If you are a freelancer looking for work, or employers that are looking for freelance opportunities, then you might want to find them online, using the freelance website. One of the most popular websites is freelancer.com. It has been well known throughout the world to give fair trade and rates for both employers and the freelancer itself.

For those of you who want to be a freelancer, but confused on where to start, then you have come to the right place. In the Freelancer website, you can start to become a freelancer anytime you wish, and you can put your skills to good use, from freelance writing, online advertising, and so on.


Sign Up And Login Into The Freelancer Website

The Freelancer website allows both freelancers and clients to work together on their projects, allowing employers to find promising employees, while freelancers are allowed to find their desired projects.
Before you can start becoming a freelancer though, you should know how to sign up, and then log in on the freelancer website. So, here are the steps for the Freelancer.com login.

1. Click on the Sign-up button

Open Freelancer.com, then click on the Sign up button. This button will allow you to complete the registration, and then make an account for your Freelancer website. If you already have the account, you can just freely log in, or you can also continue to log in with Facebook. Before signing in, make sure to have a valid email address.

2. You can continue login via Email or Facebook

If you already have Facebook you can continue to sign in with the Facebook account, and then log in via Facebook. All of your freelancing activity and project could also be linked and shared via Facebook when you upload on your profile.

3. Sign in by inputting your Identification

You will then need to input your identification, from a valid email, designated password, and username. Keep in mind that you need to provide a valid username, and it should be alphanumeric, starting with a capital letter, and would have at least 16 characters. Take note that the username couldn’t be changed, and you need to click on the terms and conditions from the Freelancer website.

4. You can select your account type

After finishing up the registration, you would need to select the account type, there are two account types, where you can be a freelancer, or you can hire a freelancer for your project. You can select your account type at any time you want, so be sure to see it when you need some changes, or have some difficult work.

5. Finish up your freelancer profile

Finish up your Freelancer.com login and sign up with the finishing up your profile, update it with your competencies, skills, experiences, and how would you like to rate your works. A Freelancer profile is important because it is probably the first thing that employers would see from you on your portfolio.

Go Sign Up at Freelancer.com

Now you have understood how to sign up at Freelancer.com. We hope this helps you in abroading your freelance career. Good luck!

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