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How to Create Fiverr Account : Steps by Steps Guide

How to Create Fiverr Account Steps by Steps Guide

Fiverr is one of famous platform for freelancers. It is one of best websites for freelancers in Nigeria. Not only has various types of freelancer, you can even hire freelancer as low as $5.

But if you are still new with this platform, you might get confused and do not know where to start. One question that people often ask is how to make an account in Fiverr. Registering your account is the first step you have to do if you are interested to offer your service in Fiverr.

Check the steps by steps below to register your account.

Steps by Steps to Create Fiverr Account

1. Go to Fiverr Website

2. Enter your email address and click Continue

There is also another way to join Fiverr. Such as login with Facebook, Google Connect and Apple Connect.

3. Choose Username

Take a note that your username can’t be changed. Your username will also determine your display name so choose it wisely.

4. Choose your password and click Join

5. Check your registered email and activate your account by clicking the link on the newest email

The activation link is only valid for 30 days so verify your account as fast as you can.

6. Your Account has been successfully created

What You Should Aware in Creating Account

1. Activating seller account only can be done through desktop

2. Creating your Gig only possible from desktop

How to Activate Your Seller Account

1. On the desktop screen where you have opened Fiverr website, check the Profile section. Click on your profile picture and select Become a Seller. You will have to watch 3 videos on How to use Fiverr as a Seller for onboarding process.

2. Once you’re done with the videos, you will be directed to Fiverr’s tips on What makes a successful Fiverr Profile as a Seller. Then click Continue.

3. Complete the mandatory fields. Make sure to fill it with only accurate information regarding your training, working experience, and skills.

4. Next, you can link your social media channels. It will help you in the credibility of your account.

5. You also have to verify your phone number in the last step.

6. The final step is to Create Your First Gig to offer your services, as a seller on Fiverr!

Have You Created Your Fiverr Account?

Registering account in Fiverr is easy right? Now you can earn money online by offering your freelance services in this platform. There is several freelance websites you can check and registering to offer your services. Remember to choose the one you think the best for you. But trying several freelance websites is also a good one!

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