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Freelance Marketing: Definition and Types of It

Freelance Marketing Definition and Types of It

As we know, freelance is a common thing in this modern era. A lot of people has done freelance as side job to make money online. But some people even do freelance as their main job. One of common freelance job that you can do is freelance marketing.

Before jump to starting your career in this field, you have to know what is freelance marketing.

What is Freelance Marketing?

Freelance marketing is a field of marketing industry that is done by a freelancer. It may have a broad range of clients depends on each freelancer’s skills. Depending on their marketing specialization, these marketers may have a variety of duties.

Companies usually hire freelance marketer to help them reach new audiences, keep existing customers and increase their revenue. Freelance marketer also analyze a company’s relevant data, such as engagement rates or sales numbers, and sometimes making change on the design to change the marketing strategy.

Type of Freelance Marketing

Freelance marketing has various type of duties you can specify. Here are some duties you can try :

1. Content Marketing

Content Marketing is specializing in promoting brand awareness using written content. It includes a content strategy, copywriting and long-form content writing. It is to promote the brand by using content.

2. Social Media Management

As the name, it is to managing the client’s social media platform for marketing. Whether it’s Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or LinkedIn, it is to improve engagement and growth on social media.

3. Managing Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO refers to organizing and optimizing content. This is so that search engines will recognize it as useful and rank it highly in search results. It will market the brand by optimizing the search engine.

4. Managing Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is pretty similar with SEO. In SEM, it focuses on creating, placing, and monitoring ads on search engine results. In order to promote a business, they have to research keywords and monitor the performance of pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

5. Video Marketing

This means to market by using video. In video marketing, freelance marketer has to conceptualize, script, and oversee video production. Especially video is one effective way for marketing. Videos can be used across marketing channels such as YouTube and Tiktok for greater engagement. In this area, it might require you some knowledges depends on the platform.

Interested to Be Freelance Marketer?

After knowing about freelance marketing. Are you interested to become one? It is something you can do even when you do not have business degree. As long as you want to learn and interest in this industry, you can try it. As a freelance marketer, you can literally make money online from home as long as meet the deadlines. It is also important to discuss all the client’s marketing criteria before accepting the project. So what are you waiting for? Go start your freelance marketing career now!

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