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World Health Organization To Protect Children From Internet Violence

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a report seeking stakeholders globally to curb online violence against children.
The report which was published on Friday pointed out various measures which should be adopted to groom children from being influenced through internet cyber harassment such as cyber-stalking, cyber-bullying, cyber harassment, sexual image abuse, aggression, identity theft, and hacking.

Every day, children spend maximum time surfing the internet, therefore, Etienne Krug, the Director of WHO advised that, it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure the online environment is safe for children.

The report highlighted different effective measures and strategies that should be adopted globally to curb internet violence against children, the report encourages school-based educational interaction activities, open interaction between children and teachers, and parents spending quality time with their children.

However, the report emphasized the need for young children to be trained so they can turn into responsible adults, manage emotions, empathy, and even problem-solving.

WHO pointed out effective programs such as guided interaction, videos, infographics, games as well as posters. These programs will create an avenue for adults to interact effectively with children as they open their minds to them.

The report issued by WHO also noted that sex education will help reduce both physical and emotional aggression and guide children to be cautious about online dating, homophobic bullying, etc.

Although the internet has contributed immensely in helping children to be creative and develop many beneficial professional and personal skills, parents still need to protect them from much internet harm.  Meanwhile, the United Nations Health Agency has resolved to protect children globally from all forms of internet violence.

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