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Best Way to Sell Photos Online in Nigeria

Best Way to Sell Photos Online in Nigeria

Do you have photography skills, and want to earn a bit more money from your photography hobby? Then you have come to the right place. There are many ways for a photographer to earn money, from accepting a commission, selling photos online as well as creating videographer projects. If you are interested in the world of photography, then check this out.


Tips To Sell Photos Online

When you become a photographer, and want some way to get some money, there are many ways that you can try, from getting a photo project or selling your photos on the online platform. It is a good way to fill out your portfolio, as well as get some extra money to your wallet.

However, it isn’t easy to build your portfolio of photography or have a good stock to sell your photos. So, here are a few tips for every photographer out there to sell all your photos online, and taking the online projects.

1. Find niche topic for your photography

A niche topic would let you specialize in something when doing your photography project. There are a few examples of niche photography, from micro zoom, panoramic photos, people, scenery, animals, plants, and many more. With a niche topic, you could be a specialized photographer that has special traits that not many people would have. It makes you stand up more than other photographers.

2. Build your base audience

Build on your base audience and community. The community that you have built will be based around your works, if you already have loyal buyers, it would have been better. Therefore perfect to create on your portfolio.

3. Create a way to get passive and active income

As a photographer, sometimes it would be hard to get active or passive income. However, with many online stock photo websites, it would be a better way to create passive income, while also working on your active projects, and honing your skills while doing your work.

Website To Sell Your Photos Online

There are many places where you can try to sell your photos online. Depending on your niche topic of photography, there are many certain places that are better to sell your photos. So, here are a few examples of where you can sell your photos.

– Shutterstock
– Etsy
– iStock photo
– 500px
– Can Stock Photo
– Adobe Stock
– Twenty 20
– Deposit Photos
– Dreamstime
– EyeEm
– Foap
– Zenfolio
– Getty Images
– Stocksy
– Pixieset
– And many more.

Ready to Sell Your Photos Online?

When you want to earn some extra money, there are many ways that photographers could do it by selling photos online as well as online commission. There are many creative ways that you can earn money as a photographer, or a freelance photographer. So make sure to know a guide to freelance first.

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