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Mutual Funds: What Is It, Types And How Does It Work

For most people, investing money is a must. You must have heard about mutual funds investment. This is the most preferred type of investment by long-term investors, one of which is to prepare for retirement.

This investment works by collecting money from investors which will be used to buy bonds, stocks, or other assets. The goal of this investment is to create a larger portfolio, so the way it works is by giving small investors access to a portfolio of bonds or other securities so that these small investors can participate and develop more quickly.

Understanding Mutual Fund Investment, Types, and Benefits

This investment is an effective way for you if you want to invest in many different assets. Not only in stocks but can also invest in bonds or other assets. This is what makes mutual funds popular and a long-term plan for investors.

Active And Passive Mutual Funds

This investment is divided into two, namely active and passive management. If it is managed passively, it must have benchmarks and must be aligned. In addition, this type of passive management does not require professional management.

In contrast to active management, the costs required for passive mutual funds are lower than for active management.

Mutual Fund Type

Before deciding to invest, there are several types of mutual funds that you can choose from. Stock funds are one type of investment that many people choose. Here, you can choose high-quality company stocks to make them more profitable.

In addition, some bonds can be an option. Bonds are considered to provide regular income, so they must be managed actively. These types usually provide higher returns than stocks.

Apart from stocks and bonds, other types of assets that you can find are indexes and balances. Income and others are usually chosen by investors.

Pros of Mutual Fund Investment

Of course, there are many reasons why you can choose this type of investment. Here are some of the benefits you can get:


One of the advantages that you can get is the mixing of assets and investments in a portfolio that can reduce investment risk.

Easy Access

This type of investment is traded on the stock exchange, so it can be bought and sold easily.

Professionally Managed

This type of investment is managed professionally by management. So it is the right choice for small investors to monitor investments.

Many Variations

Another advantage is the wide variety of assets and you can choose freely.

Cons of Mutual Fund Investment

Apart from the pros, of course, there are some disadvantages that you can experience when investing in mutual funds.

No Guarantee

One disadvantage is that there is no guarantee of returns. Especially if you decide to invest in stocks that have a fluctuating value.

High cost

Because it is managed by professional management, you can be charged quite a high fee.

Mutual fund investment is the right choice to prepare for long-term investments. Moreover, this type of investment offers quite a lot of benefits.

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