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Julia Robert Reveals Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King Paid The Hospital Bill When She Was Born

Julia Robert Reveals Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King Paid The Hospital Bill When She Was Born

Julia Robert in her interview reveals that the all-famous preacher Martin Luther King Jr. along with her wife, Coretta Scott King has paid for their hospital bill even when her parents couldn’t afford it. While in this conversation, Gayle King, Erin Brockovich, has explained that her parents, Martin Luther King, and his wife befriended her while they were living in Atlanta, running theater school.

Martin Luther King Jr. was the father of African American movements in America, a preacher, and a model leader for the African American race in the United States, which has a long history of prosecution, segregation, as well as racism. He has many scandals and issues, and one of the scandals is that He and his wife didn’t pay for their birth certificate and hospital bill when their child was born.

In His Shocking Reveal, Julia Robert, Reveals The Hidden History Behind Martin Luther King Jr.

Julia has revealed that the late Martin Luther and his wife, Coretta have paid the bill for their child certificate, and the hospital bills for when their parents couldn’t afford it, clearing any misunderstandings, as well as hidden truth behind it.

Julia Robert stated that when they met with King in Atlanta, her parents said that when she gave birth to Julia, they couldn’t afford their hospital bills, and hence couldn’t afford their birth certificate. This is where Martin Luther King and his wife paid their hospital bills, even though we know that they aren’t living a luxurious life, plus many constant hardships they have seen.

Interview with Gayle King

They explained that her parents, (Julia Robert’s parents) has befriended the King family while they are living in Atlanta, and they are neighbors. They are running a theater school, and couldn’t get enough money to scrape by. One day, Coretta king called her mother asking if the kids could be part of their theater school because they are also in constant hardships.

Finding a place to accept their children, is to refer to American 1960s segregation of African Americans. Things that Martin Luther and his wife suffer the most, while also fighting it. Julia Roberts’s mom then befriended Coretta Kings, as they became friends, and helped them when in a jam.

During this segregation time, various hardships happen with the Kings family, as well as with the Julia Robert family, such as the KKK member blowing up their car, in response to their daughter Yolanda being chosen to kiss a white kid, and much more hardship.

We all well know the suffering and story of how Martin Luther King Jr. tried to erase decade-long racism and segregation. All for the goodness of African Americans all across the state, regardless, the story of the King’s family and Robert Julia has been hidden among the truth, as they become the little sweet neighbor story, and now has been revealed by Robert Julia herself in their interview with Gayle King.

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