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You Can Publish Books Online and Earn Money, Here’s How!

You Can Publish Books Online and Earn Money, Here’s How!

Publish books online and earn money is a really simple method for a passive income. You can earn money by just publishing a book. You don’t need to be professional, you only need to know the method properly. By publishing a book online, you can make money in a very easy way and it’s good for people who live in this modern era.


How to Publish Books Online and Earn Some Money

There are many benefits that also you can get from publishing books online. First, it will be faster than the old publishing and it will be way more profitable than the old book’s publisher. The best thing is that you will own all the rights to your books.

Many people still don’t know how to publish books online and earn money. Here are a few steps that you need to learn before you start diving into this world.

1. You Can Use Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP

One of the best ways that you can choose if you want to publish your books online is with Kindle. This has a potential to reach millions of readers. So, this is considered one of the very good platforms for you if you want to publish your books online and also earn some money from it.

2. Using the Ingramspark

Ingramspark is the number 2 best and well known online publisher in the world. Using this platform will help you to publish your works and of course, this also will help you to earn some money. This is also the number one print-on-demand best solution for all authors in the world.

3. Smashwords

It is considered one of the best e-book distributors in the world outside the Amazon platform of course. Smashwords also has a huge network distribution, so this will be beneficial for authors around the globe. The royalty that you will earn is around 60% to 85%, depending on the performance of your e-book.

4. Lulu Self-Publishing

This site will give a self-published author. So, if you are looking for a good place to start your career as an author and also publisher, this could be the best place to start.

5. BLURB Publishing Platform

One of the platforms that you can choose if you want to earn money from publishing books online. The place has a simple and clean interface and of course, their marketing skills and design skills are considered one of the best.

Ready To Publish Books?

That’s how you can make money from publishing a book. Publish books online and earn money will be easier when you use those platforms above. So, for those who want to make things easier, you can choose one of the platforms above to publish your works and earn money from it.

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